Those whose ask me for the source of my happiness… it’s everywhere.
For a start, happiness is listening to this song, gazing at the setting sun, as the birds chirp from distant woods, legs playing in the silent lake, hands busy with ice cream, and heart lost in the colors of the dazzling sky.
I often wonder how poets can imagine all this in their heads. When those lyrics meet the magic of a composer and soul of singer… miracles happen.
For my English speaking friends: Althought I think it’s far mediocre, here is a rough translation of this song (below the video);
For non-telugu friends: Kannada version; Malayalam version; Tamil version.
Credits to: Rehman (Lyricist), Justin (Composer), Sid/Aishwarya (Singers)
My eyes await you like a composed sea, when the dreams gush like a vivacious river… seeking to reach the shore, my youth made the holy union in your arms.
As the agony of my desperation overspills, my heart oscillates for the very nectar (of your presence) on the edges of our lips.
This infinite longing of your absence is disturbing me like a (hot) summer day. Desiring the happiness of your proximity, my youth unfolds its arms seeking your help.
My yearning for you will not change with the changing seasons. And therefore, my love for you seeks your company like this.
As I tried to make my world with you in my eyes, I slowly sculpted myself into you.
All of a sudden, I’m surrounded by an aura that brought the naughtiness of sharing kisses on our cheeks. Those trivial joys we shared, have filled and fulfilled the depths of my heart.
To join you, my heart has slowly started moving towards you, away from me… like this… like this…
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